Install Argon theme for OpenWrt LuCI


Argon isย a clean and opensource OpenWrt LuCI theme which allows
users to customize their openwrt WEBUI.

In this tutorial REG will guide you install Argon OpenWrt theme on a general OpenWRT version.

REG uses a OpenWrt virtual machine on a x86 machine which we have installed in previous tutorial.




  • Most of hardware for OpenWRT.
  • Enough disk space ~ >10Mib.
  • Internet Connection.


  • Argon theme.
  • OpenWRT Installed and Accessible.
  • OpenSSH Client

Github page of this project

REG recommends you read the official docs before proceeding.


These are all commands REG has tested to install the Argon theme

REG has rewrote these command to make them smooth.

Copy and paste IF U KNOW WHAT U R DOING !

opkg update
opkg install luci-compat
opkg install luci-lib-ipkg
wget -O luci-theme-argon_2.3.1_all.ipk --no-check-certificate
opkg install luci-theme-argon_2.3.1_all.ipk
wget -O luci-app-argon-config_0.9_all.ipk --no-check-certificate
opkg install luci-app-argon-config*.ipk


Just proceed step by step.

[0] Connect to OpenWRT

SSH to your OpenWRT using following command:

ssh <username>@<ip_address> -p <port>

<!> Note : โ€œ<username>โ€, โ€œ<ipadress>โ€ and โ€œ<port>โ€ just placeholders
replace them with yours.

In REGโ€™s case is

ssh [email protected]

default port is 22

[1] Update opkg Packges

It is always recommend to update packages before installing software:

opkg update

[2] Install Argon

Install dependences :

opkg install luci-compat
opkg install luci-lib-ipkg

Install Argon :

wget -O luci-theme-argon_2.3.1_all.ipk --no-check-certificate
opkg install luci-theme-argon_2.3.1_all.ipk

If everything is fine:

[3] Install Argon Config

It is recommend to install Argon Config so that u can customize your argon theme

wget -O luci-app-argon-config_0.9_all.ipk --no-check-certificate
opkg install luci-app-argon-config*.ipk


Sometimes it dosenโ€™t work as expected:

so we can try to remove and reinstall it:

opkg remove luci-theme-argon
rm -rf /tmp/luci-*
service uhttpd restart

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